4 Content Writing Myths You Should Stop Believing Right Now

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Last updated on 9th August 2022 by Dr Shivangi

What makes you jump into a content writing career? It’s a huge list of content writing jobs on each job board.

And you rejoice, thinking you have found a goldmine because content writing jobs are in high demand. You can make big money from here.

But is it really true? Let’s find out!

What is content writing?

What is never told to you is that everybody doesn’t taste success in content writing.

Because everyone doesn’t prepare. Everyone doesn’t know and analyse the trends in the industry, their skills, and a proper aim.

Blame it all on the content writing myths that prevail in the industry. They keep you away from the truth. And when the truth isn’t revealed, you can’t take the right action.

But now it’s high time. It’s time you stop believing these content writing myths and open your eyes to reality. Because if you don’t, you can never achieve what you want to as a content writer.

Believe me! I am not a fan of misinformation. I let my readers know the exact scene behind the curtains.

So today, let me reveal to you the common content writing myths and what’s the truth.

4 Content Writing Myths to Stop Believing Right Now

Content Writing Myth 1: Anyone Can Write Quality Content


Do you know what quality content is? Let me define it for you!

Ingredients that make up high-quality content are:

  • Original Content
  • Strong Headlines
  • Engaging and thought-provoking content
  • Content is actionable
  • Provide answers or solutions to the reader’s problem
  • Accuracy in reporting the source of information
  • Comprising images and/or video
  • Short and to the point.

Neil Patel, the SEO, and content marketing expert gives a detail description of quality content here.

So, writing quality content that can build a prosperous brand demands time and energy. You can’t get away with writing anything and sell it as high-quality content.

ONLY those who can spend their time, energy, and resources to learn should enter content writing.

Read: 6 Content Writing Tips for Beginners

Content Writing Myth 2: Content Writing is SIMPLY Writing


That’s the biggest content writing myth!

I know what you think about reading this. “It’s just writing. Is that too hard?”

Content writing for businesses or brands is not like writing an essay in school. It involves a Marketing element too.

Your content should engage your readers. It should help them connect and buy from the brand. It requires you to understand your audience, their problems, the brand’s story, and how you can connect it with the readers.

It’s not whether you can do it, but how well can you do it? Take an honest assessment of your skills and don’t underestimate the difficulty of the process.

Content Writing Myth 3: Content Writing is All About SEO


If you are new to SEO, it stands for search engine optimisation. Every content writer must know about it.

Click here to learn the basics of SEO!

With a myriad of articles on the same topic, how will you ensure your readers reach yours? That’s what SEO helps you to do. By inserting the right keyword in the right amount and at right places, you can do wonders with your article.

Read: How to do SEO keyword research as a beginner?

As you step into the writing field, you’ll come across terms like ‘keywords’ and ‘SEO’. You’ll be asked to write SEO-optimised articles.

But is that all? Only inserting the keywords will make the magic happen?

NO! Unless you make your readers happy, your content won’t create miracles. SEO helps, but is not the only thing in content writing. Keeping the reader’s interest is equally important.

So, focus on the benefits your readers will enjoy and the value you deliver to them through your content. 

Content Writing Myth 4: Complex Words are Impressive


While writing your content, it’s important to choose the vocabulary and tone that resonates with your audience.

For example, while writing an article for health professionals, you can use technical terms. However, if you have to explain a particular disease to common people, you must use a simple language.

Using complex words doesn’t sound impressive, rather egoistic about your vocabulary knowledge. Come up with words easy to understand by your audience.

Final Verdict on Content Writing Myths

Look, I know what you think. Nobody ever told you that content writing could be that difficult. But, it’s time that these content writing myths stop circulating.

Just remember, content writing for businesses is not JUST writing. It should be simple, easy to understand, SEO-optimised, and connect your brand with your readers.

Ask yourself: Are you willing to spend your time and energy on learning content writing for businesses?

If yes, enrol in our Ultimate Content Writing Course to become a HERO in content writing.

She is the CEO of Writerena, a homoeopathic consultant, and an experienced healthcare content writer who knows the power of words in marketing of a brand.
Dr Shivangi

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