Skill Assessment

Hey! Thanks for landing on this page to assess your skills!

You know what?

I BELIEVE that skill assessment is the first step you should take in your career in content writing.

But why should you nod to my belief? You can have a different opinion!

Okay! Let me try to prove my point!

Shivangi was very passionate about writing. Her profession was medical, but she was fascinated by the world of ‘WORDS’. And therefore, she started writing as a hobby. She wrote poems and her daily thoughts in a diary. One day, she got an opportunity to work with a company as a content writer. Since she was a fresher, she wasn’t paid much for it. But since the work aligned with her passion, she agreed to take it. However, little did she know that her work won’t be accepted by the seniors, no matter how hard work she had put in.

As you may have guessed it by now, this story is made up, but I promise you, it serves a purpose.

So, why do you think Shivangi’s work was rejected?

She was a good writer; writing poems in her diary which were appreciated by her family and friends alike.

Well, that’s the twist!

Writing as a hobby and writing as a profession are two different things. If you are good at writing poems, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be good at writing professionally too!

However, that also doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to write professionally!

But, before you begin, it’s crucial you assess your writing skills to know where you fail, and then improve upon those areas.

Now, over to you!

Are you convinced to take this skill assessment as the stepping stone towards your career in content writing?

Go ahead then!

How to Take the Skill Assessment Test?

  1. Click on ‘Start’ Button below

  2. Answer all the questions one by one

  3. Click the ‘Submit’ button to submit your answers

  4. We review your answers. It take 24-48 hours in the process


You get your final score on your e-mail along with the mistakes (if any) in your writing skills. Plus, an expert advice on what to do next in your career as a content writer.

Cool enough? So, start now!

Wish you good luck!

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