Content marketing: 5 Simple Things you Actually Don’t Know

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Content marketing is a strategic way of defining and attracting your relevant customer by creating and sharing valuable and relevant content.

Content marketing is one of the fastest growing strategies with the best ROI.

Most businesses are successfully executing content marketing and getting more than their expected results.

Whatever the result you want, like earning revenue or reaching out to your target audience, content marketing strategy is always there to help you reach your desired goal.

Read: Beware of these 17 Mistakes in your Content Marketing Strategy

But to get the most out of content marketing, you have to execute it well.

So in this article, I’ll be sharing the expectations vs. the reality in content marketing.

Let’s dive in!

5 Things you Don’t Know About Content Marketing


Better content and more digital performance will bring more leads overnight

Expectation You may think that content marketing doesn’t take very long and you’ll get the best results by just putting some excellent posts with a good digital performance.

RealityBut in reality, it won’t happen. It will take some time to show your results. However, you lose patience and give up before getting the actual results.


So you have to be consistent and have patience in your work.

Most people start with great excitement, but gradually if they don’t get quick results, they feel frustrated and give up.

It will take time to show you the result. It will take time to build the trust factor in your target audience.

Getting in without a posting schedule and seeking for more leads


Expectation – Do you think you can post content randomly without having a posting schedule and get the desired result?

RealityIn reality, if you don’t have a posting schedule, you will gradually procrastinate and can’t get the desired result.

So you have to post consistently.

Your audience will trust you more if you post regularly.

Remember that before starting content marketing, first research well about your target audience, and then create posts accordingly with a posting schedule.

I can easily produce unique and quality content

Expectation – You have been listening that being unique in content marketing gives you the best results. And you have been trying very hard to make your content unique, thinking out of the box, right?

Reality But in reality, your business cannot get the desired result. It is very difficult to create unique and quality content and it is time taking. All your hard work ends up with few traffic, customers or conversions.

So focus on creating content as per the interest of your target audience.

Try to find out what they are looking for. Find their problems and give solutions and services as per their needs.

This is the first thing that you have to consider. And the uniqueness of your content comes second.

Content production in bulk increases search engine performance


Expectation You may think that creating content in bulk and posting is the key to increase your search engine performance and rank you higher.

RealityBut in reality, posting innumerable content in bulk may take you in the opposite direction. You’ll exhaust yourself and feel stressed out.

So, focus on creating quality content, not on quantity.

Research well and create one post rather than producing 10. Remember that one quality content can get more traffic instead of 10 hurriedly created content.

Work hard to make your content informative and engaging.

Read: 6 Easy Content Writing Tips to Write Outstanding Content

Increasing content length brings you more traffic


Expectation You are working very hard to create heavy content with over 3000 words per article. You believe that creating heavy content brings more traffic, more engagement, and more conversions.

Reality Longer articles perform better in search engines. However, if you just write a shot to fluff up your word count, it won’t work as you want.

Instead, focus on creating relevant and engaging content. Remember, people lack time and want to get more information in less time.

Conclusion on Content Marketing Reality

That was the glimpse of expectation vs reality in content marketing.

Research your target audience well. Create unique and quality content as per their interest and offer solution to their problems. Be patient to get the desired result with your content marketing.

I hope this article will help you in creating the best content marketing strategy for your business.

Do you have any more false expectations from your content marketing?

If you find this post helpful, then please share.

Hi! I am Judhisthir Meher, a blogger and a digital marketing enthusiast who teaches people about how to make money online.
Judhisthir Meher

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