Warning: 17 Mistakes that Destroy Content Marketing Strategy

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Have you ever sung a song confidently with the wrong lyrics?

I hate to tell the truth; even I did.

However, I don’t want you to wonder how singing with wrong lyrics is related to our today’s topic.

Singing wrong lyrics can lead us to a bit of embarrassment. But misunderstanding the whole concept can be disastrous.

Similarly, the misunderstandings about content marketing strategy can be disastrous for your business.

Today, I will burst the bubble about a few misunderstandings related to content marketing strategy.

Content marketing strategy has certainly created a buzz as well as some misconceptions.

So let me help you in clearing out the misunderstandings one by one.

17 Misunderstood Facts about Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is just a craze


If you think so, let me remind you that content marketing is an old concept which has been practiced over the years.

You can’t afford to miss these benefits of content marketing for your business.

The concept has undoubtedly developed and will keep on developing. But it will be wrong to say that content marketing will decline. It might get a new name, but the concept will live.

Know the latest content marketing trends for your business

It is easy to do content marketing

If aimlessly creating content and sharing without a thought is content marketing, then definitely it is easy.

But you need to remember that the creation of content requires a lot of research work.

Points like who your target audience is, what they want, how SEO can be used, what sort of content will be right for you are some of the important things to be kept in mind.

Content marketing is only for SEO


You should focus on SEO. But SEO should not be your only concern. Creating content that only suits SEO is wrong. Your primary focus is your customers. They are the ones who need to be reached.

Outsourcing is a great idea


Outsourcing will only work out when the agency that takes up the responsibility of content marketing strategy understands you and your customers well.

If they cannot do so, then the content marketing strategy won’t work out.

Content marketing is the same as brand awareness

Brand awareness simply means promoting your brand.

But content marketing helps in solving the problems of your customers. It would be a blunder to consider these two concepts as the same.

Content marketing is not measurable


Most of the times, it’s the company’s failure to keep proper documentation of their content marketing strategy.

To measure your achievement, you need to keep a track. Google Analytics offers the easiest way to track your website’s performance and your marketing efforts.

Want of instant results

Dreams don’t materialize overnight. To turn dreams into reality, we need to work hard. The same is the case with content marketing. You need to give it time.

Content marketing is the same as content creation

This is one of the biggest myths.

Content marketing is not just about content creation. Content creation is just a part.

After creating the content, its distribution on various media, evaluating the reach and frequency, working out SEO are the things that content marketing comprises.

Content marketing is only digital


This is one of the common mistakes we make.

A digital platform is one of the various mediums. However, limiting your content marketing strategy to only digital platforms and not using the other mediums is a kind of suicide.

Create loads of content


More is not always a merrier. Creating more and more content just to fill your feed won’t help.

Repeatedly, some say that quality matters over quantity. The content which you are creating has to be relatable and of use to your target audience.

Content means only blog post

Blog post is not the only content with which you can attract your target audience.

Content is evolving every day. You have a wide range of options to choose from, like infographics, memes, vlogs, quotes, eBooks, etc.

Content marketing is only for specific niches

You are highly wrong, my friend. Don’t think that your niche is dull and that’s why it’s better to forget about content marketing. Content marketing has the power to turn your brand into a winner.

Content marketing is for driving sales

handing-money-for purchasing

Gone are those days when sales were considered the key factor.

Don’t run behind sales. Content marketing is a holistic approach. The focus is on building long-term relationships with your target audience.

This relation will not only help you in gaining the loyalty of your existing audience, but will also gain you the potential audience.

Quality content will sell on its own

No matter how good the content is, trust me, it won’t sell on its own without you choosing the right target audience and the right medium for delivering it. You are the brain behind it, do not forget that.

Taking the help of content marketing for describing your product

Stop being self-centered with your content.

Content marketing should not highlight what your product is or how good you think it is.

Your content needs to shed light on how it is going to serve your customer. Then only your audience will build a relationship with you.

No need for images


Visuals have a psychological effect on the minds of the audience. It is the best way to leave an impression on your target audience.

A content simply based on text won’t be effective at all. Use visuals with your content. In short, take full advantage of the images.

Random posting is equal to content marketing

Posting once in a blue moon is not content marketing. You need to be consistent with your content posting.

Try to maintain a content calendar to manage your frequency of posting content.

Final Words on Content Marketing Strategy

Finally, it’s time for me to wrap up.

Remember, content marketing is a boon for you, only if you look beyond the misconceptions.

I hope this article has cleared out your misunderstandings about content marketing strategy.

Do you have any other misconception about content marketing? Let me know in the comments!

Hi! I am Blossom Roy, a graduate in sales management sharing my expertise here for B2B businesses.
Blossom Roy

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