Why Most People Fail at Writing in English

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Writing in English and writing high-quality content are crucial for success in content writing. Bad grammar, language errors, and poor sentence structure make your content substandard.

Yet, many fail at writing in English. In this post, I’ll highlight the reasons for the same. So, let’s dive in.

5 Barriers to Pefect Writing in English

1. Lack of English writing skills


You may be proficient in speaking English. However, writing in English is a different game altogether. It doesn’t come easy to all. There are many attributes to keep in mind about the English language.

Plus, the rules of the language are a bit kinky. What holds true at one place may change at another.

Despite all this, writing in English is not a hard nut to crack if you follow these tips to improve English writing skills.

2. Lack of time


Time is the biggest hurdle when it comes to writing content in English. Because you need to devote ‘time’ for consistent practice and improving your skills.

We have the time for other things, but writing practice?

Ah! It seems a boring task and therefore, we never take out time for it.

But remember, success in content writing depends a lot on these small efforts to practice writing in English.

If you find it boring to practice alone, find a writing partner/friend with whom you can compete and develop your skills alongside.

3. Fear of failure


“What if I couldn’t write good content? What will people think about my content? and blah blah … “

Every writer has this fear and self-doubt at some point.

They have that inferiority complex and think about themselves as one who can’t write well. And this fear is the next stumbling block in being a good English writer.

In holy Geeta, Lord Krishna advises not to care about the result and work selflessly. Same holds true for writing in English.

Don’t fear about the result, but start writing and you’ll progress with time.

It’s said, “The first step is the beginning of any journey”.

So if you have to overcome this fear, you have to take that first step to start writing.

4. Lack of right mentors


No one starts writing well from his or her childhood. We have to learn it and nail it. And learning starts with the right mentors.

When you have the right guidance from them, they’ll help you when you feel demotivated or doubt yourself, they’ll support you when you are stuck, and support you to keep writing even when you feel like quitting.

So look for the right mentors who can help you achieve your goals in content writing. Follow them, their writing tips, writing style, and learn whatever you can.

If you are struggling to find the right mentors for Writing in English, enrol for our Ultimate Content Writing Course and watch your skills grow.

5. Lack of motivation


It’s natural to feel less motivated towards writing in English when you are not a pro. This results in putting less or no efforts from your side to scale your writing career.

As said, look for mentors or friends who can keep you motivated throughout your writing journey. Learn from them; what keeps them motivated. What helps them revive when they feel demotivated.

Following their footsteps will definitely give you the necessary boost and become an expert.


Writing in English seems tough in the beginning.

However, if you find the right mentor to help you learn and keep motivated, you can easily crack the nut.

Take out time for daily practice, even if it’s for 5 minutes. All these small efforts add up to make you a successful writer.

So, what makes you fail at writing in English?

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Hi, I am Love Mishra, an engineering student and an aspiring writer.
Love Mishra

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