Understand What is Content Writing Before You Regret

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Do you wish to pursue a career in content writing?

Then, let me be honest! Many of those who want to don’t understand what is content writing.

And the reason is obvious. Because of these content writing myths that prevail in our country.

Consequently, these aspiring content writers either do not get writing projects or don’t earn premium salaries through content writing.

And I am sure you don’t wanna be in that queue. Right?

So, grab a cup of coffee and understand what is content writing; today itself, so you don’t regret later.

What is content writing?


By definition, content writing is surfing, creating, editing and publishing content for a particular website.

However, you need to understand that it’s simply not the action of writing information online, but has a purpose.

Every content written online or offline has the motive to develop the brand or the business.

Everything we browse on our screen is one or the other types of content writing.

So what are they?

Types of content writing

SEO content writing

Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing your content so that it can rank higher in the search engines.

For that, you must know the tools to research the right keywords and how to integrate them within the content.

Also, know the need of your target audience and the questions frequently asked on Quora and other websites.

All this helps to drive traffic to the business website organically.

Also Read: How to do SEO Content Writing in 8 Simple Steps?


Copywriting is the most demanding type of content writing in today’s world.

The advertisements, banners, and punchlines are all included under copywriting.

Copywriters have to be constantly creative to make an excellent impact on their target readers, helping them take the desired action for the business, like sign-up, buying a product, etc.

Technical writing

As the title suggests, it’s creating content related to technology which includes robotics, genetic engineering, biotechnology, electronics and communications, aeronautics and software development.

In technical writing, the writer simplifies the technical data to give the reader a clear picture of what it is.

Writers have to follow certain ethics or rules when writing technical content. Technical guides, how-to’s, instruction manuals, admin manuals, etc. are a part of technical writing.

Publication based or Editorial writing

This term is most commonly used in newspapers and journals.

Editorial writing involves writing books for schools, colleges, and the newspaper articles. With the advancement of technology, these writers now write and edit with the help of computers. Their writing is also available on Web pages.


Business writing

Business or Marketing writing is the most arduous job in the unceasing field of content writing. Their creativity must not touch the sky alone, but persuade the target audience to change their minds.

This type of writing involves lots of research to come up with the beneficial content. In business writing, you must know how to write sales proposals, memos, official emails, manual writing, concept papers, summaries, RFPs (request for proposal), etc.

Blog writing

Every content writer starts his or her journey with a blog. It’s the easiest type of content writing not requiring much technical knowledge.

We see many college students having their personal blogs. Almost every business has a blog section on their website where they write to convey information about their business and increase brand awareness.

Also Read: How to set-up your own Blog?

Academic writing

Many agencies hire writers to reports based on research in different industries. These are long reports with high-quality content and come under the genre of academic writing.

Press Release Writing

Earlier, companies wrote press releases to make their customers aware of the fresh developments and latest updates about the company.

Whenever a business launched a new product in the market, opened departments, organized events or collaborated with another venture, press releases were used for making announcements.

Over the years, press releases have become a part of sales initiatives. Therefore, while writing a press release for any business, you must focus on the sales and marketing element now.

Places that utilize content writing


In this digital world, content is the PILLAR of every business.

Businesses and marketers need a content writer to take the next step. One who can create and explain about the business to its customers.

Besides, it is also used in our daily life beginning with resumes, posting on social media, and updating our bio.

From the above listed types, we can understand that almost every field requires a content writer. Their purpose may differ in expressing, conveying, entertaining or persuading, but the ultimate goal is to provide information and get customers for the business.

Skills needed to be a content writer

  • Content writers don’t need an educational qualification to begin their career, but an undergraduate can be helpful.
  • The art of expressing your thoughts and opinions matter.
  • Be regular in writing to become a fluent writer.
  • There should not be any vagueness in your writing. Your point has to be clear. With experience, your writing will improve.
  • Be a skilled researcher before being a skilled writer. Be it known or an unknown topic, do an excellent research to get the desired results.
  • Your first draft won’t be perfect all the time. Editing is very important. So, you need to master your proofreading and editing skills.
  • Don’t procrastinate your work. Submit your work by the deadline.
  • Be aware of the user intent, which means the intention of the reader to grasp everyone’s attention.

Benefits of understanding what is content writing

Content writing, especially as a freelancer, is the easiest job as you can work any time and at any place. You can also work part time or full time for a client.

Also Read: How to Start Freelance Writing with No Experience in India?

The videos we see, the podcasts we hear, the websites we visit are immersed with content. Businesses need content writers to brand their product.

However, learning the skills of content writing makes you a walking encyclopedia as you research a lot for every content you produce.

It enriches your general knowledge as well as the vocabulary and fluency of language. You will become more creative as you are someone who engages the reader with your content.

Content Writing as a Career choice

Content writing is an insightful and rewarding choice as a career, given that you understand what is content writing.

The media is just growing every day and businesses are flourishing every minute. Masses who have their own website need content writers to maintain it.

But before stepping into that, you have to really understand what is content writing.

Content writing in India is an opportunistic job, as a professional content writer, you can earn 25,000 – 30,000 INR in the early stages. All that you have to do is master the skills.

Final thoughts

There is a major fallacy amongst newbies that if you can write wonderful poems or have an interest in writing, you can write professionally too. However, this is not true.

You REALLY need to have those skills to write as a professional content writer.

So, click the button below to Enroll in our course and master those skills! Drop your questions in the comments below and share the post with your social media friends!

The Ultimate Content Writing Course

Master the skills to write professionally

A literature student keen to learn and share more about content writing

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