15 Easy Tricks to Kill your Writer’s Block Now

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Ever experienced this? Sitting with a pen and blank paper and not getting any idea to write! Not a single thing comes to your mind.

You try hard but fail. You get irritated and frustrated.

Yes, that’s WRITER’S BLOCK! Novice writers get demotivated with it and quit writing.

However, it’s ONLY natural. Writer’s block doesn’t mean you don’t have the skill to write or aren’t for this profession.

Many talented authors and writers have faced writer’s block in their life.

What matters is how you overcome it!

So, today, I’ll tell you 15 tricks to kill your writer’s block.

15 Tricks to Kill Writer’s Block

Positive attitude

Having a positive attitude towards your work keeps you motivated. Drag your mind from negative thoughts to a positive one.

Think about your write-ups, your achievements in writing. This will keep you motivated and boost your confidence.

Write what comes to your mind


Write whatever comes to your mind, whether it’s ending or middle portion, or anything.

Don’t sit with a blank paper. It will just depress you and give anxiety.

If you write something on the paper, you will get the flow. Ideas will start coming automatically, and you will gain the confidence to write your content.

Read, read and read

Not reading daily is one cause of writer’s block.

Reading gives more ideas and provides a way to write.

Read your favourite book, your favourite blogger’s blog. Reading must be the step before writing anything. Read as much as you can.

Reading books within different genre will work as a guide in writing.

Check: 12 Must-Read Books to Improve English and Writing Skills

Avoid distractions


If you have any type of distraction or aren’t focused on your work, then you’ll definitely face this problem.

So it’s important to avoid all distractions, whether social media or any personal problems.

Avoid them to stay focused on your work and give your best in your writing.

Research well

Sometimes we face writer’s block because we don’t have any information regarding our topic or the subject.

So it’s better to first research deeply on the subject you will write. More information generates more ideas and it will help you in preparing your write-ups.

Don’t finish in one go

If you are writing anything in the flow, don’t finish in one go.

Take a break or leave it for the next day. This will create curiosity to write, and you will get fresh ideas.

Re-read your written content

Read your own blogs and articles. This will give you the confidence to write. Your own writing will inspire you that you can write well and give your best.

Read your content loudly and feel proud of it. This will boost your confidence and help you come out of your anxiety.

Start from the middle

If you are facing writer’s block, then I will recommend you to write the middle content first. Because ending and starting are a little tough, and in this situation, you may get de-motivated and quit writing.

So first start from the middle portion and in the flow, who knows, you get an idea to start and end your matter on the blog!

Jot down the ideas when they come


Minds are creative. So it’s not that ideas will only come when you sit down to write. They might come during travelling or while taking a shower.

So it’s good if you keep a notepad and pen along with you always and note down all the creative ideas that come to your mind. This will never let you have a crisis of ideas and you will not face writer’s block ever.

Daily Meditation

Meditation is the best thing to get peace and relax your mind. Meditation will also help you expand your mind.

Expecting too much perfection

A lot of expectations also lead to writer’s block. Don’t try writing perfectly at first. Try to write what you want to write.

Change your genre, your way of writing. Bring some changes. Write something which is out of the box. Trying something new will give you more ideas and you will overcome your expectations.

Don’t expect too much with yourself, it will depress you and demotivate you.

Take a break from writing


When you are going through this phase, take a break from writing.

Forget about everything and just enjoy your life. Go on a trip, spend time with family, and forget that you have something pending to write.

When you will come back with your fresh mind, you’ll be able to write easily.

Make a plan

When you are starting something, make a proper plan so that you know your next step and you work accordingly.

Don’t make any plans that give you stress. Plan according to your comfort.

Sometimes we work without plans, and then we get lazy and blame it on not getting any idea to write. So plan your work. Use Google Keep to take notes and make to-do list for the day.

Relate it to yourself

When you write something then relate it to yourself. It will help you bring more ideas. For example, if you are writing a novel, imagine yourself as one character. This will create better understanding, and you will get more ideas.

Change your surroundings

Sometimes surroundings also matter. Go find a place where you are comfortable to write. Maybe by sitting on the same table and chair and using the same medium gets you irritated.

Try to sit in the courtyard or in the garden. Instead of the laptop, use pen and paper.

So, now you know how to kill writer’s block?

It’s truly said:

Where there’s a will there’s a way!

~ George Herbert

The most important thing to kill writer’s block is that you must have the spirit to overcome. You must have an attitude which keeps you motivated to do your job well.

If you want to overcome this, then definitely these 15 tricks will help you.

Know any other tricks? Tell us in the comment section!

And if you found this article relevant, share it with your friends.

Priti Yadav is an aspiring writer and completed her internship from Writerena
Priti Yadav

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