What is drip marketing? How to use LinkedIn for drip marketing?

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Don’t you aspire to establish a positive first impression with your new prospects who’ve clicked on your website?

Don’t you like interacting with your buyers to make them feel welcome?

Drip marketing opens the doors for accomplishing this with ease.

It consists of a series of messages/emails to be delivered over a definite span of time.

But what exactly is drip marketing? Let’s dive into the ABC of Drip Marketing!

What are Drip Campaigns?


Drip stands for Differentiate, Reinforce, Inform and Persuade.

Drip campaigns are an automated set of emails sent at a specific time based on user activities. They’re also known as behavioral emails, marketing automation, life cycle emails or email newsletters.

Drip marketing is a marketing strategy enforced by enterprises to shift potential buyers into loyal customers. This can be accomplished by being at the right place at the right time.

The beauty is that you don’t have to rewrite these emails manually every time they have to be sent out, as they’re pre-written and designed to be sent automatically when the user registers himself on your website.

Drip emails could be

  • Welcome emails to someone who just subscribed to your blog
  • Reminding users of abandoned shopping carts
  • Recommendations and new arrivals
  • Confirmations or engagement.
  • Information about online courses

Salient Features of Drip Marketing

  1. The goal is to keep the customers engaged with the product/service by giving them right information at the right time
  2. It helps to pinpoint the audience genuinely interested in your services and segments them accordingly.
  3. It is used to educate users. For example, if a potential buyer leaves the shopping cart abandoned, then a mail is sent automatically telling them the benefits of the products they were about to buy. This nudges the customers to make the right choice.

Why Drip Marketing is Better than other Marketing Techniques?

Statistics have shown:

Drip campaigns generate 18 times more revenue to the companies than the ones following regular marketing methods.

That’s because drip campaigns attract prospects by being consistent throughout.

The messages are sent on the basis of user behaviour, and thus have a higher chance of getting a response than other email campaigns.

Since you are sending people what they want, they tend to be more welcoming and responsive.

In addition to being effective, drip marketing saves time and effort as the emails are prewritten. However, there are certain do’s and don’ts for drip marketing.


  • Craft catchy titles for the emails to provoke your audience to open your mails
  • The content of your email should be eye-catching and highly informative
  • Conclude your email with a call-to-action


  • Avoid spamming of emails as it becomes annoying
  • Don’t over-promote yourself
  • Don’t prevent your audience from unsubscribing as it is unlawful and unethical.

Besides emails, LinkedIn is the top platform where drip marketing is used. And we’ve got just the right tactics on how to use LinkedIn for drip marketing.

Follow this guide!

Guide to Drip Campaigns on LinkedIn


1. Use appropriate keywords

Time and again, keywords have proven to be very useful. Look for words which people in your industry use to find services and products. Use those words in your job title to increases the crowd you want to target.

Read: How to Drive Attention with your Best LinkedIn Headlines

2. Make quality connections

Connecting with the right people across the globe is a mandatory step for your business to grow. Define your target audience and initiate conversations with them.

3. Nurture people

It’s good to have high statistics, but your priority should be catering to the people’s needs. Eventually, they’ll push you high up on the ladder. Provide them with quality information and think of upcoming strategies in terms of nurturing your audience.

4. Target accurately

Segment your audience wisely. Your brand should promote whatever your company sells on a monthly or weekly basis so that it remains on the surface of their mind. Ensure that everyone gets the material which is relevant and fascinating.

5. Be Persistent

Keep a track of what your crowd responds to and keep your work well-timed. Accuracy is greatly appreciated. Have a perpetual approach. But at the same time don’t overdo it.

Final Words on Drip Marketing

So that’s all about drip marketing!

Remember, customer service should be your top priority. You should be diligent towards your work and highly responsive to your audience. Don’t over-promote your brand as it may lead to people unsubscribing you.

If you learned something new from this article, do share with your fellow friends to educate them about drip marketing on LinkedIn.

Hi, I am Komal, an intern at Writerena and interested in polishing my writing skills.
Komal Dua

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