How to Write Catchy Headlines that Compel your Readers

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Catchy headlines are very important to grab the attention of your readers. A recent study shows that 80% people get attracted to the headlines.

So, why should you care?


Our digital world is full of content. Everyone publishes their best articles and it’s quite tough to survive that competition.

So, it’s your catchy headlines which will bring more readers to your blog/website. But, how to write one?

Well, today, I’ll teach you some tips and tricks to create the best headlines your readers can’t resist.

5 Easy Tricks to Write Catchy Headlines

Decide patiently


I prefer to write headlines at last after finishing my article.

I write 2-3 headlines in a rough draft and then choose the best one.

Well, you might have a question in your mind “How I choose the best one?”

Remember, don’t exaggerate your headlines. Try to make it short, specific, and unique. Your headline should not exceed 64-70 characters.

Pro Tip: Use the tool, Co-Schedule Headline Analyzer to write Catchy Headlines

Try to use numbers


This is one of the best tricks to write catchy headlines.

I have come through many blogs/websites which generally use numbers in their headlines.

Do not forget:

People want magical solutions in a definite time”

And numbers will give them that surety.

For example:

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The second one creates more impact and catches more attention.

Use an emotional adjective to grab attention

Understand your audience. What they want to read is more important, and try to build an emotional connection with your readers.

Every reader has some problem, and they seek solutions from the internet. So, try to highlight those problems in headlines.

Using emotional adjectives is best to write catchy headlines.

Ask questions

Try to use how, why, when, what, where in your headlines to make them catchy.

That’s because people generally search solutions in the form of questions.

For example:

“How to write catchy headlines”


“How to earn money online”

Try to use a unique rationale

Unique rationale are more attention seeking. So it will help in writing catchy headlines.

Some unique rationales are: Tips, tricks, ways, ideas, principles, secrets, etc

These rationales get more attention than simply boring headlines.

For example:

“5 tips to earn money online”


“10 tricks to promote your content”

Final words

Catchy headlines are meant to catch reader’s attention and attract a crowd towards your blog post.


  • Be patient while writing headlines.
  • Be creative, specific, and remember the focus of your article.
  • Add value in reader’s life.

However, don’t force your creativity or any of these tips and tricks unnecessarily to write catchy headlines.

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Hi! I am Warsha, a passionate poet and a writer.
Warsha Kumari

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